Research Coordinators
Anna Czerwonka, MEd in progress, HBSc

Anna is the research coordinator for the family research group. She was the project coordinator managing the randomized controlled trial of the Timing it Right Stroke Family Support Program. Her role included overseeing the research study at 11 research sites across Canada, including ethics application and renewals, grant management, staff training and support, database management, study summaries and presentations, and data analysis. She has also worked on the Towards RECOVER project. Her current role involves lab administration, data analysis and preparing manuscripts and presentations.
Anna received her Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from McMaster University in 2007. She has a certificate in Conversational Spanish, and is currently pursuing a part-time Master of Education degree in Adult Education and Community Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.
Anna received her Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from McMaster University in 2007. She has a certificate in Conversational Spanish, and is currently pursuing a part-time Master of Education degree in Adult Education and Community Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.